Do you have questions about how to care for your home’s pipes,
    or where your water goes once it's down the drain?
    Become more environmentally conscious
    and better informed about the effect our lifestyles can have
    on the world around us.
    The best way to ensure that you are getting the highest
    quality water available is to educate yourself.
    We have lots of materials, information and activities
    available to help you, your family and your classmates
    learn more about how water works.
Upcoming 2024 Events
The water, science and engineering communities host numerous events throughout the year that celebrate water and the important role we all play in keeping it safe. Click on the events listed below to learn more and join us in the celebrations!

Engineers Week:
February 18-24

Engineers Week

Engineers Week is an opportunity to celebrate how engineers make a difference in our world.

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World Engineering Day:
March 4

World Engineering Day

World Engineering Day is a global celebration of how engineers, technicians, and technologists make a difference.

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National Groundwater Awareness Week:
March 10-16

National Groundwater Awareness Week

A week of awareness, education, and advocacy focusing on one of the nation’s most precious resources.

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World Plumbing Day:
March 11

World Plumbing Day

is a day to promote the link between good quality plumbing, health, environmental sustainability and, increasingly, economic prosperity.

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Fix a Leak Week:
March 18-24

Fix a Leak Week

Leaks can run, but they can't hide

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World Water Day:
March 22

World Water Day

World Water Day is about accelerating change to solve the water and sanitation crisis.

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Earth Hour:
March 23, 8:30 p.m.

Earth Hour

Lights-off event raising awareness about climate change at 8:30 p.m. in your time zone.

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National Public Health Week:
April 1-7

National Public Health Week

National Public Health Week is an opportunity to celebrate the unique and joyful ways different cultures focus on health.

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Earth Day:
April 22

Earth Day

Earth Day is an opportunity to express our unwavering commitment to end plastics for the sake of human and planetary health.

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Drinking Water Week:
May 5-11

Drinking Water Week

Drinking Water Week is a unique opportunity for both water professionals and the communities they serve to recognize the vital role water plays in our daily lives.

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World Environment Day:
June 5

World Environment Day

World Environment Day is the biggest international day for the environment

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UN World Oceans Day:
June 8

UN World Oceans Day

World Oceans Day is an opportunity to raise global awareness of the benefits humankind derives from the ocean and our duty to use its resources sustainably.

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Smart Irrigation Month:

Smart Irrigation Month

Promotes the social, economic and environmental benefits of efficient irrigation technologies, products and services in landscape, turf and agricultural irrigation.

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National Water Quality Month:

National Water Quality Month

Dedicated to making the most of the fresh water we have, because having clean water is vital to our individual health, agricultural needs, and the environment.

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National Backflow Prevention Day:
August 16

National Backflow Prevention Day

Backflow prevention helps keep people and water safe.

National Preparedness Month:

National Preparedness Month

Each September we raise awareness about the importance of preparing for disasters and emergencies that could happen at any time.

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Protect Your Groundwater Day:

Protect Your Groundwater Day

Protect Your Groundwater Day serves as an annual reminder for water well owners to test, tend, and treat their private water systems.

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World Cleanup Day:
September 20

World Cleanup Day

Volunteers throughout the world will stand up against the global trash problem and clean up waste.

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Source Water Protection Week:
September 29-October 5

Source Water Protection Week

Source Water Protection Week is an opportunity to raise awareness about the importance of caring for our beautiful drinking water sources.

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Cybersecurity Awareness Month:

Cybersecurity Awareness Month

Creating partnerships to raise cybersecurity awareness at home and abroad.

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International Coffee Day:
October 1

International Coffee Day

An opportunity for coffee lovers to share their passion for the beverage, acknowledge and support the work of all involved in producing, trading, retailing and serving coffee.

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World Standards Day:
October 14

World Standards Day

Pay tribute to those who develop the technical agreements - international standards.

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Global Handwashing Day:
October 15

Global Handwashing Day

A day dedicated to increase awareness & understand the importance of handwashing with soap - effective/affordable way to prevent diseases & save lives.

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Imagine a Day Without Water:
October 17

Imagine a Day Without Water

A national day of action bringing together communities & policymakers to advance greater and more equitable water investment.

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National Lead Poisoning Prevention Week:
October 20-26

National Lead Poisoning Prevention Week

Raising awareness about lead poisoning and prevention.

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World Toilet Day:
November 19

World Toilet Day

Drawing global attention to the sanitation crisis.

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