Do you have questions about how to care for your home’s pipes,
    or where your water goes once it's down the drain?
    Become more environmentally conscious
    and better informed about the effect our lifestyles can have
    on the world around us.
    The best way to ensure that you are getting the highest
    quality water available is to educate yourself.
    We have lots of materials, information and activities
    available to help you, your family and your classmates
    learn more about how water works.
Archive by tag: conservationReturn

How much water do you eat?

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How much water do you eat?
It might surprise you, however, to know how much water it takes for certain food to arrive at our tables. This amount represents a food item’s water footprint.
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| Categories: | Tags: footprint, food, eat, drink, conservation | View Count: (1159) | Bookmark and Share

Examining the brick trick

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Examining the brick trick
The brick trick, if done right can conserve water, but doing it right can be tricky.
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| Categories: | Tags: toilet, conservation, brick, trick, Energy Policy Act of 1992 | View Count: (1678) | Bookmark and Share

The price of health, hygiene and convenience

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The price of health, hygiene and convenience
When you factor in all its health and hygiene benefits, water becomes a bargain. But there is a price to pay for the convenience of having that water flow from your faucets, showerheads and toilets on demand, every time you need it.
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| Categories: | Tags: water, rates, conservation, Plain Talk, Buried No Longer, maintenance, customers, affordability | View Count: (1376) | Bookmark and Share
Change your showerhead, change your water bill
Switching your showerhead and lead to huge savings of water and money.
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| Categories: | Tags: shower, water, efficient, saving, saving, conservation, clean technica, hygiene, fixtures | View Count: (2242) | Bookmark and Share

A water wise car wash

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A water wise car wash
Would using an automatic car wash use more or less water than washing it at home?
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| Categories: | Tags: car, wash, water, efficient, conservation, automatic, manual, hose, nozzle, downstream, pollutant | View Count: (2167) | Bookmark and Share

Saving money while staying home

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Saving money while staying home
One of the outcomes of staying home to help slow the spread of the coronavirus is leaning on your home's utilities more than before. Fortunately, your tap water is clean and safe to use, including for handwashing, which is even more important these days.
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| Categories: | Tags: conservation, indoor, outdoor, inside, outside, kitchen, CNET, bathroom, laundry, irrigation, rainfall | View Count: (2809) | Bookmark and Share

How to cut your grass and your water bill

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How to cut your grass and your water bill
Transforming your landscape could be the gift that keeps giving.
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| Categories: | Tags: spring, conservation, irrigation, watering, landscape, xeriscape, AWS, water science | View Count: (1562) | Bookmark and Share
Think about water conservation while you’re gobbling
An water footprint analysis of an average Thanksgiving feast.
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| Categories: | Tags: conservation, thanksgiving, holiday, meal, footprint, turkey, efficient | View Count: (3575) | Bookmark and Share

Changing the World One Drop at a Time

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Changing the World One Drop at a Time
Changing the world may seem like a daunting task but it really isn’t if you look at the cumulative impact that small, achievable lifestyle changes can have.
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| Categories: | Tags: conservation, Colgate, everydropcounts, United Nations, UN, RunningDry | View Count: (1602) | Bookmark and Share

Time to turn off your hose

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Time to turn off your hose
When the temperature dips, it is time to shut irrigation systems off.
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| Categories: | Tags: irrigation, conservation, landscape, pipe | View Count: (1909) | Bookmark and Share
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