Do you have questions about how to care for your home’s pipes,
    or where your water goes once it's down the drain?
    Become more environmentally conscious
    and better informed about the effect our lifestyles can have
    on the world around us.
    The best way to ensure that you are getting the highest
    quality water available is to educate yourself.
    We have lots of materials, information and activities
    available to help you, your family and your classmates
    learn more about how water works.
Archive by tag: conservationReturn

July is Smart Irrigation Month

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July is Smart Irrigation Month
Smart Irrigation Month is a great time to brush up on how to be a water wise consumer.
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| Categories: | Tags: Smart Irrigation Month, conservation, water waste, Irrigation Association, leaks | View Count: (2644) | Bookmark and Share

'Tis the season to conserve water

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Like most people, we love this time of year. The weather is beautiful, the flowers are blooming and the grass is turning green.
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| Categories: | Tags: conserve, conservation, water restrictions, U.S. EPA, outdoor conservation | View Count: (2716) | Bookmark and Share
Check and fix leaks during Drinking Water Week
Today we are encouraging people to check and fix leaks inside and outside the home to prevent water waste.
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| Categories: | Tags: household leaks, leaks, water waste, conservation, Drinking Water Week, leaky toilet, water meter, irrigation system | View Count: (3037) | Bookmark and Share

It's Fix a Leak Week

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This a reminder that it's the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency's Fix a Leak Week until Sunday.
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| Categories: | Tags: EPA, leaks, WaterSense, Drip Calculator, conservation, Fix a Leak Week, water waste | View Count: (3563) | Bookmark and Share

Next week is Fix a Leak Week

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March 20-26 is the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency's Fix a Leak Week.
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| Categories: | Tags: EPA, leaks, WaterSense, Drip Calculator, conservation, Fix a Leak Week, water waste | View Count: (2852) | Bookmark and Share
National Groundwater Awareness Week ends tomorrow
This is a great time to learn about and understand the importance of groundwater.
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| Categories: | Tags: National Groundwater Awareness Week, groundwater, protect and conserve, conservation, National Ground Water Association | View Count: (2727) | Bookmark and Share
National Groundwater Awareness Week starts Sunday
National Groundwater Awareness Week starts Sunday, so we are celebrating it March 5-11 this year.
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| Categories: | Tags: National Groundwater Awareness Week, groundwater, protect and conserve, conservation, National Ground Water Association | View Count: (3391) | Bookmark and Share

Thanksgiving water conservation

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We like to post reminders before Thanksgiving about conserving water, since that is a big cooking day for many.
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| Categories: | Tags: conservation, Thanksgiving, holidays, EPA, cooking | View Count: (2610) | Bookmark and Share

Calculating your water footprint

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How much water do you think you use in a day? 50 gallons? 75 gallons? 100 gallons?
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| Categories: | Tags: water footprint, water usage, conservation, Yale Climate Connections, Grace Communications Foundation | View Count: (4024) | Bookmark and Share

It's still Smart Irrigation Month

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It's still Smart Irrigation Month
We posted about this earlier in the month, but this is a reminder that July is Smart Irrigation Month.
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| Categories: | Tags: Smart Irrigation Month, Irrigation Association, irrigation, sprinklers, lawn care, water use, conservation | View Count: (3205) | Bookmark and Share
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