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    or where your water goes once it's down the drain?
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Archive by tag: ratesReturn

Explaining water rate increases

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Explaining water rate increases
Some water utilities around the North America are announcing planned increases to water rates. Rate increases aren’t usually celebrated by consumers – especially among households struggling to meet essential needs -- but it’s worthwhile to consider for a moment why they are necessary.
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| Categories: | Tags: rates, afford, affordability, bills, consumer, pay, money, capital projects, infrastructure, improvement, Denver, Magnolia, Arkansas, Plain Talk, increase, Buried No Longer | View Count: (1629) | Bookmark and Share
Is a new low-income household assistance program coming?
All of us are feeling the pinch, but for households near the poverty line, rising water bills can be devastating. Fortunately, there are conversations about creating a large-scale customer assistance program happening in the water sector.
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| Categories: | Tags: affordability, bills, Washington D.C., low-income, household, water, bills, rates, government, American Water Works Association, AWWA, Association of Metropolitan Water Agencies, AMWA, National Association of Clean Water Agencies, NACWA, National Association of Water Companies (NAWC), Water Environment Federation, WEF | View Count: (1628) | Bookmark and Share

The price of health, hygiene and convenience

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The price of health, hygiene and convenience
When you factor in all its health and hygiene benefits, water becomes a bargain. But there is a price to pay for the convenience of having that water flow from your faucets, showerheads and toilets on demand, every time you need it.
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| Categories: | Tags: water, rates, conservation, Plain Talk, Buried No Longer, maintenance, customers, affordability | View Count: (1320) | Bookmark and Share

Some rules were made for watering

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Some rules were made for watering
'Tis the season for summer watering rules.
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| Categories: | Tags: irrigation, value of water, rates, affordability | View Count: (2088) | Bookmark and Share

Making water and water services affordable

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Making water and water services affordable
We all know the importance of having access to safe and clean water and how vital that is to our daily life, but something we don’t always consider is the cost of that water.
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| Categories: | Tags: affordability, Buried No Longer, water rates, tiered assistance program, TAP, customer assistance program, CAP, cost of water | View Count: (2139) | Bookmark and Share

India’s drinking water crisis

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As National Water Quality Month continues, India’s drinking water crisis is examined in the following post by Saranya Balu, an AWWA summer intern.
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| Categories: | Tags: India, water crisis, National Water Quality Month, pollution, value of water, water rates, water quality | View Count: (4177) | Bookmark and Share

The Plain Talk Series - #48

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Today's question: We had a conservation drive in our area and everyone cooperated. Then our water rates went up. Why?
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| Categories: | Tags: Plain Talk series, conservation, water rates | View Count: (2972) | Bookmark and Share

San Diego wins big at Global Water Summit

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We just read about a desalination plant and a water recycling program, both in the San Diego, California area, that won at the Global Water Summit last month in Abu Dhabi in United Arab Emirates.
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| Categories: | Tags: San Diego, California, Global Water Summit, Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates, Times of San Diego, Claude "Bud" Lewis Carlsbad Desalination Plant, desalination, recycled water | View Count: (3220) | Bookmark and Share