Do you have questions about how to care for your home’s pipes,
    or where your water goes once it's down the drain?
    Become more environmentally conscious
    and better informed about the effect our lifestyles can have
    on the world around us.
    The best way to ensure that you are getting the highest
    quality water available is to educate yourself.
    We have lots of materials, information and activities
    available to help you, your family and your classmates
    learn more about how water works.
Archive by tag: groundwaterReturn

Dealing with arsenic

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Dealing with arsenic
Whatever the cause of the residents’ symptoms, it’s worth taking a moment to consider why water utilities monitor for arsenic in drinking water. Arsenic is tasteless and odorless, and occurs naturally in the Earth’s soils, rocks and minerals. It’s also used in industry as a wood preservative, in paints, metals, drugs and for a variety of other purposes. It is lethal in very high doses. You can learn more in the AWWA book Plain Talk about Drinking Water.
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| Categories: | Tags: New York Times, arsenic, drinking water, Ground, groundwater, Arsenic Rule, Plain Talk about Drinking Water | View Count: (873) | Bookmark and Share

Back to the Future for Water Supply

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Back to the Future for Water Supply
Facing the loss of water due to climate change and run off, the Sierra Nevada region of Spain is restoring a centuries-old system to collect more water. MemoLab is helping with the project.
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| Categories: | Tags: Spain, Sierra Nevada, MemoLab, acquifer, water, storage, groundwater, acequia | View Count: (1041) | Bookmark and Share

The water heroes we need

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The water heroes we need
The next generation is developing valuable ways to protect source water throughout the world.
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| Categories: | Tags: protect the source, groundwater, water treatment, bioswale, world water | View Count: (1435) | Bookmark and Share
Private well users should learn about arsenic
A recently released study reported that young adults with low-to-moderate levels of exposure to arsenic over five years developed heart damage.
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| Categories: | Tags: water quality, arsenic, arsenic rule, groundwater, american heart association, water treatment, wells | View Count: (1477) | Bookmark and Share

Keeping our aquifers fully charged

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Keeping our aquifers fully charged
Many of our aquifers are depleting, but there are steps we can take to keep them fully charged
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| Categories: | Tags: groundwater, aquifer, conservation, OWCAP | View Count: (1547) | Bookmark and Share
National Groundwater Awareness Week ends tomorrow
This is a great time to learn about and understand the importance of groundwater.
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| Categories: | Tags: National Groundwater Awareness Week, groundwater, protect and conserve, conservation, National Ground Water Association | View Count: (2727) | Bookmark and Share
National Groundwater Awareness Week starts Sunday
National Groundwater Awareness Week starts Sunday, so we are celebrating it March 5-11 this year.
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| Categories: | Tags: National Groundwater Awareness Week, groundwater, protect and conserve, conservation, National Ground Water Association | View Count: (3391) | Bookmark and Share

It's still National Water Quality Month

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Just a reminder that it's still National Water Quality Month.
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| Categories: | Tags: National Water Quality Month, source water, groundwater, pollution, water quality, contaminants | View Count: (3519) | Bookmark and Share

It's National Water Quality Month!

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This is a great time to understand where your water comes from and what's in it so you can properly protect its quality.
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| Categories: | Tags: National Water Quality Month, source water, groundwater, pollution, water quality, contaminants | View Count: (4226) | Bookmark and Share
National Groundwater Awareness Week starts in a few days; it's March 6-12 this year.
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| Categories: | Tags: National Groundwater Awareness Week, groundwater, National Ground Water Association, well water, NGWA | View Count: (3057) | Bookmark and Share