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Archive by tag: regulationReturn

Lead service line removal is a team effort

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Lead service line removal is a team effort
Replacing lead service lines is a worthy endeavor. Lead is a known health concern, particularly for young children. The sooner we can remove all sources of lead from our communities, the better off we will be.
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| Categories: | Tags: lead, lead and copper rule, lcr, epa, environmental protection agency, epa, rules, regulation, drinking water, infrastructure | View Count: (440) | Bookmark and Share

Research is key in understanding PFAS

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Research is key in understanding PFAS
The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency announced in February that it will propose “regulatory determinations” for two of the best understood PFAS. This does not guarantee these substances will ultimately be regulated on a national level, but it sets EPA on the path to exploring the feasibility and effectiveness of a regulation.
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| Categories: | Tags: PFAS, perfluoroalkyl substances, polyfluoroalkyl substances, EPA, research, regulation, Safe Drinking Water Act | View Count: (966) | Bookmark and Share

The Plain Talk Series - #62

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The Plain Talk Series - #62
Today's question: Fixing a broken water pipe looks like a dirty job. How is the inside of the pipe cleaned afterward?
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| Categories: | Tags: Plain Talk, Plain Talk Series, Plain Talk About Drinking Water, water pipes, regulations, chlorine | View Count: (1385) | Bookmark and Share

The importance of UCMR 4 testing

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Testing begins for the Fourth Unregulated Contaminant Monitoring Rule (UCMR 4) next month.
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| Categories: | Tags: Fourth Unregulated Contaminant Monitoring Rule, UCMR 4, Safe Drinking Water Act, SDWA, EPA, regulations, testing, water quality, contaminants | View Count: (2229) | Bookmark and Share

Happy anniversary Safe Drinking Water Act!

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December 16 is the 43rd anniversary of the Safe Drinking Water Act.
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| Categories: | Tags: Safe Drinking Water Act, SDWA, EPA, regulations, Consumer Confidence Report, CCR, water quality | View Count: (1763) | Bookmark and Share

The Plain Talk Series - #58

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The Plain Talk Series - #58
Today’s question: Is water that meets government drinking water standards absolutely safe?
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| Categories: | Tags: Plain Talk, Plain Talk Series, Plain Talk About Drinking Water, standards, regulations, susceptible population, contaminants | View Count: (3144) | Bookmark and Share
December 16 marks the 42nd anniversary of the Safe Drinking Water Act.
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| Categories: | Tags: Safe Drinking Water Act, EPA, regulations | View Count: (3087) | Bookmark and Share

The Plain Talk Series - #46

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Today's question: Is bottled water regulated?
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| Categories: | Tags: Plain Talk series, Plain Talk About Drinking Water, bottled water, FDA, CFIA, regulations | View Count: (3053) | Bookmark and Share