Do you have questions about how to care for your home’s pipes,
    or where your water goes once it's down the drain?
    Become more environmentally conscious
    and better informed about the effect our lifestyles can have
    on the world around us.
    The best way to ensure that you are getting the highest
    quality water available is to educate yourself.
    We have lots of materials, information and activities
    available to help you, your family and your classmates
    learn more about how water works.
Archive by tag: HABReturn
What to know about summer recreating in outdoor waterways
Summertime recreating is a fun way to stay cool in the heat, but before you dive in, take a moment to absorb some important information about natural bodies of water to protect yourself and the marine life sharing the water with you.
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| Categories: | Tags: swim, recreation, lakes, rivers, streams, ponds, harmful algal blooms, HAB, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, CDC, safe | View Count: (360) | Bookmark and Share

Steer clear of fatbergs

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Steer clear of fatbergs
Fatbergs are a national problem, but they can be avoided.
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| Categories: | Tags: fatberg, water operator, flushable wipe, pipe, clog, fats, oils, grease, fog, F.O.G., sewer, wastewater, drain, toilet | View Count: (1217) | Bookmark and Share

Don't flush contact lenses

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We've written about not flushing wipes (whether labeled as flushable or not) down the toilet, but we just read about not flushing contact lenses too.
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| Categories: | Tags: contact lenses, pipes, plumbing, FOG, flushable wipes, Scientific American, wastewater system | View Count: (1614) | Bookmark and Share
New game highlights problem plaguing water systems
AWWA and WEF recently teamed up to create a new children's activity - Pipe Up! - a series of puzzles to help children learn various aspects of water services and the value they bring to our everyday lives.
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| Categories: | Tags: Water Environment Federation, WEF, Pipe Up!, game, puzzle, fatberg, pipes, FOG, value of water, flushable wipes, kids | View Count: (1992) | Bookmark and Share
Care for your pipes this Drinking Water Week
Today we are encouraging people to care for their homes' pipes.
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| Categories: | Tags: pipes, plumbing, FOG, flushable wipes | View Count: (2482) | Bookmark and Share

Don't flush "flushable" wipes

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Did you know you're not supposed to flush "flushable" wipes down the toilet?
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| Categories: | Tags: Halifax Water, PSA, flushable wipes, video, clogs | View Count: (5602) | Bookmark and Share

San Diego wins big at Global Water Summit

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We just read about a desalination plant and a water recycling program, both in the San Diego, California area, that won at the Global Water Summit last month in Abu Dhabi in United Arab Emirates.
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| Categories: | Tags: San Diego, California, Global Water Summit, Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates, Times of San Diego, Claude "Bud" Lewis Carlsbad Desalination Plant, desalination, recycled water | View Count: (3220) | Bookmark and Share
Last week, we wrote about a houseboat that is in the works that will create its own energy and water, and now we are reading about a house that has already been built that is doing that too.
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| Categories: | Tags: Mexico City, rainwater, recycling system, Inhabitat, green design, Mexico, green house, Casa Nirau | View Count: (3309) | Bookmark and Share