Do you have questions about how to care for your home’s pipes,
    or where your water goes once it's down the drain?
    Become more environmentally conscious
    and better informed about the effect our lifestyles can have
    on the world around us.
    The best way to ensure that you are getting the highest
    quality water available is to educate yourself.
    We have lots of materials, information and activities
    available to help you, your family and your classmates
    learn more about how water works.
Archive by tag: value of waterReturn

What lies beneath the ocean

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What lies beneath the ocean
The discovery of a new aquifer is balanced by the news that a city in India is in danger of running out of water.
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| Categories: | Tags: aquifer, conservation, value of water, value water, freshwater | View Count: (1397) | Bookmark and Share

Some rules were made for watering

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Some rules were made for watering
'Tis the season for summer watering rules.
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| Categories: | Tags: irrigation, value of water, rates, affordability | View Count: (2058) | Bookmark and Share

Running for a purpose

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Running for a purpose
Two Alabama high schoolers organized a community race to benefit Charity:Water.
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| Categories: | Tags: charity, donation, race for clean water, alabama, value of water | View Count: (1789) | Bookmark and Share

90H2O no

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90H2O no
We all know water isn't free, but $100,000 for a liter might be a little extreme.
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| Categories: | Tags: bottled water, value of water, beverly water, tap, drinking | View Count: (3155) | Bookmark and Share

The value of water

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Imagine a Day Without Water is coming up and is meant to honor the ways water touches our daily lives.
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| Categories: | Tags: Imagine a Day Without Water, value of water, water infrastructure, conservation, pollution, water cycle | View Count: (1436) | Bookmark and Share
New game highlights problem plaguing water systems
AWWA and WEF recently teamed up to create a new children's activity - Pipe Up! - a series of puzzles to help children learn various aspects of water services and the value they bring to our everyday lives.
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| Categories: | Tags: Water Environment Federation, WEF, Pipe Up!, game, puzzle, fatberg, pipes, FOG, value of water, flushable wipes, kids | View Count: (1958) | Bookmark and Share
The Wall Street Journal recently published a story shining a light on the connection between aging water and wastewater systems and the loss of those services in hurricane-affected communities.
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| Categories: | Tags: Imagine a Day Without Water, Value of Water Campaign, value of water, value water, water infrastructure, State of the Water Industry Report, WIFIA, The Wall Street Journal, Buried No Longer | View Count: (2346) | Bookmark and Share

India’s drinking water crisis

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As National Water Quality Month continues, India’s drinking water crisis is examined in the following post by Saranya Balu, an AWWA summer intern.
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| Categories: | Tags: India, water crisis, National Water Quality Month, pollution, value of water, water rates, water quality | View Count: (4049) | Bookmark and Share

Tomorrow is "Imagine a Day Without Water"

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Tomorrow is "Imagine a Day Without Water"
Tomorrow, September 15, marks the second annual “Imagine a Day Without Water”.
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| Categories: | Tags: Imagine a Day Without Water, Value of Water Coalition, value of water, water infrastructure | View Count: (3334) | Bookmark and Share