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    or where your water goes once it's down the drain?
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    quality water available is to educate yourself.
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    learn more about how water works.
Archive by tag: billReturn

What’s in your water bill?

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What’s in your water bill?
Whether you receive your water bill online or have it mailed to you, you may routinely skim through it without really reviewing the information it may contain.
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| Categories: | Tags: water, bill, affordability, rate, customer, information, data, mail, electronic | View Count: (802) | Bookmark and Share

Explaining water rate increases

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Explaining water rate increases
Some water utilities around the North America are announcing planned increases to water rates. Rate increases aren’t usually celebrated by consumers – especially among households struggling to meet essential needs -- but it’s worthwhile to consider for a moment why they are necessary.
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| Categories: | Tags: rates, afford, affordability, bills, consumer, pay, money, capital projects, infrastructure, improvement, Denver, Magnolia, Arkansas, Plain Talk, increase, Buried No Longer | View Count: (1754) | Bookmark and Share
Is a new low-income household assistance program coming?
All of us are feeling the pinch, but for households near the poverty line, rising water bills can be devastating. Fortunately, there are conversations about creating a large-scale customer assistance program happening in the water sector.
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| Categories: | Tags: affordability, bills, Washington D.C., low-income, household, water, bills, rates, government, American Water Works Association, AWWA, Association of Metropolitan Water Agencies, AMWA, National Association of Clean Water Agencies, NACWA, National Association of Water Companies (NAWC), Water Environment Federation, WEF | View Count: (1740) | Bookmark and Share

A vital resource at a minimal cost

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A vital resource at a minimal cost
A description of some of the rate structures water systems use.
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| Categories: | Tags: water, rate, structure, bill, customer, cost, infrastructure, wastewater, fee, affordability | View Count: (2001) | Bookmark and Share
The Farm Bill incorporates interests of ag community and water utilities
Certain provisions in the 2018 Farm Bill are bringing the agriculture community and water utilities to the table to improve and protect source water.Nutrients used for farming can wash into our source water, which impacts water utilities aiming to manage water supplies. To help address this, the 2018 Farm Bill requires that 10 percent ($4 billion over the next 10 years) of conservation funding be targeted for source water protection. This funding goes through the Natural Resources Conservation S...
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| Categories: | Tags: source water, protection, farm bill, agriculture, water sector, nrcs, rcpp | View Count: (4254) | Bookmark and Share