Do you have questions about how to care for your home’s pipes,
    or where your water goes once it's down the drain?
    Become more environmentally conscious
    and better informed about the effect our lifestyles can have
    on the world around us.
    The best way to ensure that you are getting the highest
    quality water available is to educate yourself.
    We have lots of materials, information and activities
    available to help you, your family and your classmates
    learn more about how water works.
Archive by tag: drinkingReturn
Drinking Water Week national artwork contest winner
This year's Drinking Water Week national artwork contest winner is Jackson Lee from Durham, North Carolina.
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| Categories: | Tags: Drinking Water Week, artwork contest, Durham, North Carolina, source water protection, source water | View Count: (2511) | Bookmark and Share
Protecting our water sources on World Water Day
This year's theme of "Nature for Water" draws attention to the solutions found in nature for the water challenges faced worldwide.
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| Categories: | Tags: World Water Day, nature, source water protection, nutrient runoff, pollution, agriculture, Drinking Water Week | View Count: (2620) | Bookmark and Share

The importance of UCMR 4 testing

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Testing begins for the Fourth Unregulated Contaminant Monitoring Rule (UCMR 4) next month.
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| Categories: | Tags: Fourth Unregulated Contaminant Monitoring Rule, UCMR 4, Safe Drinking Water Act, SDWA, EPA, regulations, testing, water quality, contaminants | View Count: (2355) | Bookmark and Share

Happy anniversary Safe Drinking Water Act!

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December 16 is the 43rd anniversary of the Safe Drinking Water Act.
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| Categories: | Tags: Safe Drinking Water Act, SDWA, EPA, regulations, Consumer Confidence Report, CCR, water quality | View Count: (1837) | Bookmark and Share

The Plain Talk Series - #61

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The Plain Talk Series - #61
Today's question: How can I tell if my toilet is leaking?
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| Categories: | Tags: Plain Talk, Plain Talk Series, Plain Talk About Drinking Water, toilets, leaks, food coloring, flow restrictors | View Count: (1446) | Bookmark and Share

The Plain Talk Series - #60

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The Plain Talk Series - #60
Today's question: How is the water from my refrigerator door different from my tap water?
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| Categories: | Tags: Plain Talk, Plain Talk Series, Plain Talk About Drinking Water, point-of-use filter, POU filter, filter | View Count: (2053) | Bookmark and Share
Understand your tap water during National Water Quality Month
August is National Water Quality Month.
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| Categories: | Tags: National Water Quality Month, water quality, EPA, Safe Drinking Water Act, Consumer Confidence Report, contaminants | View Count: (3320) | Bookmark and Share

Tap water quality in question

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Tap water quality in question
Last week an environmental advocacy organization called the Environmental Working Group (EWG), released an update to its “National Drinking Water Database”.
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| Categories: | Tags: Environmental Working Group, National Drinking Water Database, UCMR, EPA, public health goals, maximum contaminant levels, maximum contaminant level goals, NSF International, filters, consumer confidence report | View Count: (4157) | Bookmark and Share

The Plain Talk Series - #59

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The Plain Talk Series - #59
Today's question: Why does drinking water often look cloudy when first drawn from a faucet?
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| Categories: | Tags: Plain Talk, Plain Talk Series, Plain Talk About Drinking Water, air bubbles, cloudy water, calcium carbonate | View Count: (3228) | Bookmark and Share

"Time To Build" water infrastructure

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Infrastructure Week is coming to a close, and this year's focus is "Time To Build".
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| Categories: | Tags: Infrastructure Week, water infrastructure, Time To Build, Drinking Water Week, Buried No Longer report | View Count: (3284) | Bookmark and Share
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