Do you have questions about how to care for your home’s pipes,
    or where your water goes once it's down the drain?
    Become more environmentally conscious
    and better informed about the effect our lifestyles can have
    on the world around us.
    The best way to ensure that you are getting the highest
    quality water available is to educate yourself.
    We have lots of materials, information and activities
    available to help you, your family and your classmates
    learn more about how water works.

A squirmy wastewater treatment system

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A squirmy wastewater treatment system
A treatment system, called vermifiltration or worm-based biofiltration, utilizes countless earthworms to digest nearly all contaminants in wastewater without the need for chemicals.
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| Categories: | Tags: worms, earth, vermifiltration, biofiltration, conservation, conserve, wine, winery, california, biofiltro | View Count: (875) | Bookmark and Share
Which water celebration should you commemorate?
You may be overwhelmed if you’ve checked out our events calendar. The water sector seems to embrace the “work hard, play hard” philosophy, in that there are numerous opportunities throughout the year to recognize and celebrate the integral role water plays in our lives.
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| Categories: | Tags: water, celebrate, celebration, occasion, event, Fix a Leak Week, Drinking Water Week, Smart Irrigation Month, World Water Week, Source Water Protection Week, Imagine a Day Without Water | View Count: (980) | Bookmark and Share

It takes everyone to knock out drought

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It takes everyone to knock out drought
It takes all of us to knock out drought, particularly one that has gripped the southwestern United States for some time now.
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Taste and odor

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Taste and odor
On rare occasion, however, your water may have an unusual taste, odor or appearance. Fortunately, aesthetic issues don’t always mean the water has become unsafe. A quick call to your water provider may reveal the cause of the issue.
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| Categories: | Tags: taste, odor, appearance, montreal, fixtures, pipes, infrastructure, water quality | View Count: (654) | Bookmark and Share

In case of emergency

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In case of emergency
It’s nearly impossible to anticipate exactly when an emergency might occur and how they might impact us, but we can plan to try to minimize any inconvenience.
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| Categories: | Tags: Kentucky, natural disaster, emergency, flood, boil, do not drink, prepare | View Count: (618) | Bookmark and Share

Dealing with arsenic

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Dealing with arsenic
Whatever the cause of the residents’ symptoms, it’s worth taking a moment to consider why water utilities monitor for arsenic in drinking water. Arsenic is tasteless and odorless, and occurs naturally in the Earth’s soils, rocks and minerals. It’s also used in industry as a wood preservative, in paints, metals, drugs and for a variety of other purposes. It is lethal in very high doses. You can learn more in the AWWA book Plain Talk about Drinking Water.
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| Categories: | Tags: New York Times, arsenic, drinking water, Ground, groundwater, Arsenic Rule, Plain Talk about Drinking Water | View Count: (872) | Bookmark and Share

Smart irrigation offers multiple benefits

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Smart irrigation offers multiple benefits
Smart Irrigation Month provides us with an opportunity to think about conservation in our food production.
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| Categories: | Tags: Smart Irrigation Month, irrigation, landscape, farming, conservation, runoff, source water protection, technology, farm | View Count: (655) | Bookmark and Share

It’s Plastic Free July!

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It’s Plastic Free July!
“Plastic Free July is a global movement that helps millions of people be part of the solution to plastic pollution – so we can have cleaner streets, oceans and beautiful communities,” according to the event’s website.
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What do PFAS health advisories tell us?

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What do PFAS health advisories tell us?
Last week, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) released lifetime health advisories for four different per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances, which you may know better as PFAS. This step has triggered a complicated situation.
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| Categories: | Tags: EPA, Environmental Protection Agency, PFAS, health advisories, per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances, filter, contamination, PFOA, PFOS | View Count: (1546) | Bookmark and Share

Naturally pulling water from thin air

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Naturally pulling water from thin air
A recent demonstration at the University of Texas at Austin shows a low-cost device that can pull water out of the air.
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| Categories: | Tags: Texas, Austin, demonstration, water, air, invention, innovation, gel, cellulose, konjac gum, condensation | View Count: (729) | Bookmark and Share
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