WaterStep, an organization using technology and training to assist needed communities with sustainable water solutions, presents a
thought-provoking infographic on its website that outlines the global consequences for people who have no reliable access to safe water. Staggering statistics sprinkled throughout the infographic include unsafe water is the #1 killer of life, 780 million people lack access to clean water and 88% of diarrheal deaths worldwide are attributed to unsafe water, inadequate sanitation and poor hygiene. A snapshot of the infographic is displayed on the left and can be fully viewed
This is an issue that we continue to be concerned about as well. If you are interested in helping financially, please consider Water For People, a sister organization of AWWA, that helps where the need is great for people who don’t have access to safe water.
According to its website, “Water For People works to build a world where all people have access to safe drinking water and sanitation, and where no one suffers or dies from a water- or sanitation-related disease. This is our vision.” We all can do our part, even if it’s small, to help others who have unreliable access to safe water.
Donate to Water For People and help to increase awareness of its mission.