Do you have questions about how to care for your home’s pipes,
    or where your water goes once it's down the drain?
    Become more environmentally conscious
    and better informed about the effect our lifestyles can have
    on the world around us.
    The best way to ensure that you are getting the highest
    quality water available is to educate yourself.
    We have lots of materials, information and activities
    available to help you, your family and your classmates
    learn more about how water works.
Archive by tag: ANSReturn

Explaining water rate increases

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Explaining water rate increases
Some water utilities around the North America are announcing planned increases to water rates. Rate increases aren’t usually celebrated by consumers – especially among households struggling to meet essential needs -- but it’s worthwhile to consider for a moment why they are necessary.
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| Categories: | Tags: rates, afford, affordability, bills, consumer, pay, money, capital projects, infrastructure, improvement, Denver, Magnolia, Arkansas, Plain Talk, increase, Buried No Longer | View Count: (1372) | Bookmark and Share

What is a saltwater intrusion?

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What is a saltwater intrusion?
An ongoing situation in Louisiana that has generated a lot of news coverage is introducing the term “saltwater intrusion” to many people. It also highlights the potential impact of more familiar challenges facing the water sector – climate change, drought and source water protection.
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| Categories: | Tags: saltwater intrusion, climate change, source water, louisiana, weather, drought, New Orleans, rain, precipitation, army corps of engineers | View Count: (757) | Bookmark and Share

Getting a new perspective on climate change

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Getting a new perspective on climate change
A U.S. space mission that launched Dec. 15 will map the Earth’s water and collect data to help manage climate change. The mission will “conduct a comprehensive survey of the world’s oceans, lakes and rivers for the first time.”
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| Categories: | Tags: space, climate, change, oceans, earth, nasa, SWOT, globe, warming, spacex, falcon | View Count: (1139) | Bookmark and Share
Cyberattacks force utilities to plan for the unexpected
Cybersecurity is a major threat facing business and critical infrastructure throughout the United States. The water sector is no exception to this.
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| Categories: | Tags: cybersecurity, attack, ransomware, colonial pipeline, oldsmar, security, risk and resilience, infrastructure | View Count: (1137) | Bookmark and Share
Water utilities use robots and dogs to liven up workplace
Water utilities use innovation to improve important work conditions and reduce customer inconvenience
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| Categories: | Tags: innovation, technology, Vessel, robot, digital twin, replica, customer experience, Central Arkansas Water, Waukegan, infrastructure | View Count: (1505) | Bookmark and Share

Don't wreck rec season

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Don't wreck rec season
It’s important you know the rules of your favorite watering hole.
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| Categories: | Tags: recreation, boating, fishing, rules, aquatic nuisance species, ANS, water quality, infrastructure, swimming | View Count: (1340) | Bookmark and Share
We were sent a great video that illustrates the process of turning source water into drinkable water.
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| Categories: | Tags: KC Water, Kansas City, water treatment process, video, water treatment | View Count: (2038) | Bookmark and Share
At the recent joint annual conference for the Kansas Section of AWWA and the Kansas Water Environment Association, the best tasting tap water in Kansas was announced.
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| Categories: | Tags: Kansas Section, Kansas, City of Iola, taste test, joint conference, ACE18, tap water taste test | View Count: (2585) | Bookmark and Share

Learning about water

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We just released some classroom lessons that focus on water that are ideal for elementary and high school kids.
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| Categories: | Tags: classroom lessons, lesson plans, learning, kids | View Count: (3647) | Bookmark and Share

The ancient Mayans conserved water too

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According to a just published article by Nature World News, the ancient Mayans, who lived in Mexico, Belize and Guatemala, dealt with water shortages due to lack of rainfall.
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| Categories: | Tags: Nature World News, ancient Mayans, Mexico, Belize, Guatemala, Yucatan, reservoirs | View Count: (3476) | Bookmark and Share