Do you have questions about how to care for your home’s pipes,
    or where your water goes once it's down the drain?
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    and better informed about the effect our lifestyles can have
    on the world around us.
    The best way to ensure that you are getting the highest
    quality water available is to educate yourself.
    We have lots of materials, information and activities
    available to help you, your family and your classmates
    learn more about how water works.
Archive by tag: waterReturn

What is a saltwater intrusion?

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What is a saltwater intrusion?
An ongoing situation in Louisiana that has generated a lot of news coverage is introducing the term “saltwater intrusion” to many people. It also highlights the potential impact of more familiar challenges facing the water sector – climate change, drought and source water protection.
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| Categories: | Tags: saltwater intrusion, climate change, source water, louisiana, weather, drought, New Orleans, rain, precipitation, army corps of engineers | View Count: (756) | Bookmark and Share
Flooding in Northeast United States reminds us to plan for emergencies
Recent flash flooding caused by heavy rainfall in New England, particularly Massachusetts, highlights the importance of being ready for emergencies.
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| Categories: | Tags: emergency, flood, Massachusetts, New England, prepare, plan, store, boil water | View Count: (732) | Bookmark and Share
Celebrate health, hydration, and hygiene during National Water Quality Month
August is National Water Quality Month, an opportunity to appreciate that a lot of work goes into ensuring safe, great tasting tap water is there when we need it.
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| Categories: | Tags: Water Quality Month, holiday, glass, drink, celebrate, journey, professionals, people, work, infrastructure | View Count: (760) | Bookmark and Share

Tips for a successful Smart Irrigation Month

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Tips for a successful Smart Irrigation Month
July is Smart Irrigation Month, and we’d like to help your home’s landscape make the grade while also conserving water.
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| Categories: | Tags: conservation, irrigation, plants, landscape, outdoor, water, use, drip, watering, smart irrigation month, July | View Count: (1057) | Bookmark and Share
Is a new low-income household assistance program coming?
All of us are feeling the pinch, but for households near the poverty line, rising water bills can be devastating. Fortunately, there are conversations about creating a large-scale customer assistance program happening in the water sector.
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| Categories: | Tags: affordability, bills, Washington D.C., low-income, household, water, bills, rates, government, American Water Works Association, AWWA, Association of Metropolitan Water Agencies, AMWA, National Association of Clean Water Agencies, NACWA, National Association of Water Companies (NAWC), Water Environment Federation, WEF | View Count: (1364) | Bookmark and Share
Drinking Water Week is a time to celebrate your drinking water
We’re not one to tell anyone how to celebrate a holiday. Whether you enjoy festive meals, solemn introspection or gathering with family, holidays are celebratory times, and Drinking Water Week is no different.
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| Categories: | Tags: Drinking Water, Week, DWW, celebration, consumers, holiday, infrastructure, protect public health, environment | View Count: (1680) | Bookmark and Share

New movie offers security measures reminder

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New movie offers security measures reminder
A recently released movie offers an opportunity to remind consumers that water systems and other providers of critical services make a significant investment in both money and resources to protect themselves from physical or cyberattacks.
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| Categories: | Tags: movie, security, cyber, physical attack, book, climate change, protection, america's water infrastructure act | View Count: (1130) | Bookmark and Share
Score big with a water-efficient football feast
In many places around the world, people will gather this weekend to watch the most anticipated football game of the season. Where there are gatherings of people, there are usually generous portions of food. The information below from watercalculator.org can help you consider water-friendly choices like fruits and vegetables when planning your football feast.
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| Categories: | Tags: water, footprint, food, feast, football, party, water calculator, almonds, nuts, beverages | View Count: (1167) | Bookmark and Share
Why are the differences in snowflakes important to water systems?
In geographic regions that rely on snowpack for their source water, like Denver, this is a very important issue. The National Weather Service calls the amount of water in snow the “snow ratio.” As a rule, 12 inches of snow can represent one inch of water in the Upper Midwest states.
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| Categories: | Tags: snow, water, moisture, ratio, snowpack, reservoir, collection, supply, National Weather Service, precipitation | View Count: (974) | Bookmark and Share

Protect the source to keep fish PFAS free

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Protect the source to keep fish PFAS free
A recent report from the Environmental Working Group underscores the importance of protecting source water.
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| Categories: | Tags: PFAS, fish, source, water, protect, perfluoroalkyl substances, polyfluoroalkyl substances, EPA, PFOS, public, health | View Count: (1098) | Bookmark and Share
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