Do you have questions about how to care for your home’s pipes,
    or where your water goes once it's down the drain?
    Become more environmentally conscious
    and better informed about the effect our lifestyles can have
    on the world around us.
    The best way to ensure that you are getting the highest
    quality water available is to educate yourself.
    We have lots of materials, information and activities
    available to help you, your family and your classmates
    learn more about how water works.
Archive by tag: cleanReturn
Is a new low-income household assistance program coming?
All of us are feeling the pinch, but for households near the poverty line, rising water bills can be devastating. Fortunately, there are conversations about creating a large-scale customer assistance program happening in the water sector.
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| Categories: | Tags: affordability, bills, Washington D.C., low-income, household, water, bills, rates, government, American Water Works Association, AWWA, Association of Metropolitan Water Agencies, AMWA, National Association of Clean Water Agencies, NACWA, National Association of Water Companies (NAWC), Water Environment Federation, WEF | View Count: (1368) | Bookmark and Share

Pulling water out of thin air

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Pulling water out of thin air
A new invention pulls water out of thin air.
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| Categories: | Tags: clean, drinking, water, sanitation, invention, India, Madhu Vajrakarur, electricity | View Count: (1221) | Bookmark and Share

Beating the bad tap rap

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Beating the bad tap rap
When it comes to one's tap water, there are some people who believe a contaminant in any amount makes the water not safe. We can assure you, as a water consumer, that there are many protections in place that should give you confidence when pouring yourself or your family a glass of tap water.
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| Categories: | Tags: water quality, clean, safe, drink, tap, faucet, treatment, safe drinking water act, consumer confidence report, USDA, EPA | View Count: (1234) | Bookmark and Share
Change your showerhead, change your water bill
Switching your showerhead and lead to huge savings of water and money.
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| Categories: | Tags: shower, water, efficient, saving, saving, conservation, clean technica, hygiene, fixtures | View Count: (2145) | Bookmark and Share

Running for a purpose

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Running for a purpose
Two Alabama high schoolers organized a community race to benefit Charity:Water.
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| Categories: | Tags: charity, donation, race for clean water, alabama, value of water | View Count: (1790) | Bookmark and Share

Happy anniversary to the Clean Water Act

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October 18 marks the 44th anniversary of the Clean Water Act.
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| Categories: | Tags: Clean Water Act, federal law, USEPA, CWA, pollution | View Count: (3420) | Bookmark and Share

Tips to clean reusable water bottles

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When we fill reusable water bottles with good ol' tap water, we may find the container itself gets dirty from time to time from continuous use.
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| Categories: | Tags: water bottle, water container, reusable, cleaning, clean, TODAY | View Count: (3501) | Bookmark and Share